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Credit: Gena Bradshaw

Genaveve Bradshaw

Senior Review Analyst

Genaveve was born in Whidbey Island, Washington to two parents in the Navy. Her childhood was spent moving and traveling across the US and Europe. She learned what home meant after her family moved to New Mexico, where she attended high school and college and where she came into her own as both an avid outdoor adventure seeker and a performing musician.

She graduated with honors from the University of New Mexico with a major in music, a minor in psychology, a NOLS semester in Patagonia, and years of experience from various gigs in the outdoor, retail, special needs outreach, and performance industries. Genaveve's time as a classical musician taught her the importance of dedicated practice, thorough research, and to always have a meticulous eye for detail. Though she deeply loved making and performing music, Genaveve knew city life wasn't for her as she had spent every moment of her free time running away to the mountains or desert to climb and ski.

After graduating, she decided to move to South Lake Tahoe to satiate her hunger for pristine granite, powdery snow, and stellar access to mountains, deserts, and the Pacific. She has since worked in the climbing gym industry as a competitive coach, desk staff, private instructor, and now as a routesetter. Genaveve finds that the technical skills, problem solving, and out-of the-box thinking required for routesetting compliments her work as a tester with GearLab. Both jobs require high attention to detail, dedicated focus, analytical finesse, and looking at a subject through every possible lens to see the best result. When she's not working, Genaveve can be found wherever there's dry rock. She's a big fan of frolicking with her dog Roomba, stuffing her nose in a book, marveling at large bodies of water, serenading the night sky with her guitar, and planning the next time she'll take off in her beloved and beat up old Subaru.

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