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Author Profile

Credit: Adam Paashaus

Adam Paashaus

Review Editor

Adam Paashaus is a AMGA SPI certified rock climbing instructor, father of two adventurous girls (5/8), and DIY builder of all things from minimalist running sandals to converting a 40' retired school bus (skoolie) for his family's adventure-mobile/tiny house. He has worked in various parts of the outdoor industry since 2001 from sales to buying to guiding. Adam was most recently the lead climbing instructor for a local branch of a national outdoor school before leaving to start a long term road trip with his family in their skoolie.

Adam has a passion for adventuring with his family all across the US. He started backpacking in the 90s and found rock climbing while working a summer job in Yosemite in 2001. He then took his climbing passion home to the old school traditional climbing areas of western North Carolina. Since then, has spent time climbing all throughout the US, from the sandstone of southern Utah to the Granite of Lumpy Ridge, Yosemite, and Index, to the Gunks in New York. Adam's adventures also include long distance backpacking in the Sierras, ultrarunning, and an especially challenging canyon trip with his wife and two daughters. He prides himself on showing his girls a life of adventure,chasing those awe inspiring moments. Adam believes that we are all capable of more than we think, even kids, and seeks out opportunities to let his girls find the empowerment in overcoming discomfort and adversity in the outdoors.

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