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Alex Bogner
Alex Bogner

Alex Bogner

Review Editor

Alex is a skier, climber, biker, paddler, paraglider pilot, and all-round adventurer. Originally from Woodstock, NY, Alex began skiing at 5 years old. The Catskill Mountains and Hudson Valley of upstate New York helped set the stage for Alex to fall in love with outdoor recreation. With an affinity to the outdoors, Alex sought out Lyndon State College (now called Northern Vermont University) where he studied Mountain Recreation Management. His concentration was in Ski Resort Management, which required a lot of homework, but he also took several classes including climbing, kayaking, avalanche education, and group
facilitation that were part of the Adventure Leadership concentration. While in school, Alex managed to ski most of the resorts in the New England, and explored much of the backcountry ski potential of the Green and White Mountains. As a recreation professional, Alex spent several seasons on ski patrol at Burke Mountain Resort, VT, and at Mission Ridge, WA. He has also guided backcountry ski trips to the Chic-Choc Mountains in Quebec, guided sea kayak tours and glacier hikes in Seward, AK, and has guided various backpacking trips in the Northeast. Though he still calls himself an East Coast die-hard at his core, Alex now spends most of his time ski guiding in the mountains of the Western United States. You can find Alex currently guiding at Great Northern Powder Guides in Whitefish, Montana.

Showing 1-5 of 5 by Alex Bogner
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Best Ski Helmets

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Smith Quantum MIPS Review

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Pret Cynic X Review

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Scott Symbol 2 Plus D Review

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