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Credit: Ally Arcuri

Ally Arcuri

Review Editor

Ally loves to be in motion! From running to hiking to standup paddleboarding to mountain biking, you can find her chasing all manner of outdoor adventures (cautiously, of course). Ally is an avid runner, yoga teacher, personal trainer, and overall fitness junkie. She is an accomplished ultramarathoner and recently became a Stage 3 cancer survivor. She has broken tape at quite a few middle-distance races and intends to win more now that her cancer journey is behind her.

Ally has her Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Cal State Fullerton and her yoga teaching certificate from Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja California, Mexico. After spending 6 years working with a physical therapist in South Lake Tahoe, she attributes much of her therapeutic exercise knowledge to that experience. A beach girl and a traveler, Ally can always be found chasing the sun and remains in pursuit of the endless summer. Her favorite party tricks include being able to jump really high, stand on her head on a paddleboard, and sing “Eye of the Tiger” with surprising accuracy. She is thankful to be a part of the Outdoor Gear Lab testing team!

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