Reviews You Can Rely On

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Andy Wellman - Page 2

Senior Review Editor

Showing 16-30 of 306 by Andy Wellman
trango vergo

Trango Vergo Review

A solid device for lead belaying, this product offers an easy and ergonomic way to pay out slack. However, it has a...
edelrid mega jul

Edelrid Mega Jul Review

A passive assisted locking, or 'hybrid', belay device, its modified tube design provides considerable bite for...
best climbing ropes

The Best Rock Climbing Ropes

We tested 13 of the best ropes available on the market today to give our recommendations for any climbing purpose...
dmm dragonfly

DMM Dragonfly Review

The DMM Dragonflies are our favorite small cams due to their tried and true, similar to the famous CCH Alien design...
best climbing cams

The Best Climbing Cams

Building a rack of cams can be confusing and expensive, especially if you're just starting out. We're here to help you...
petzl sama
Best Buy

Petzl Sama Review

Combines excellent comfort and fit with a feature set that won't hold you back on the rock, regardless of discipline...
best carabiner

The Best Carabiners

We wanted to find out which carabiner was the best, so we've updated our old review to look at some of the newer...
best muscle roller sticks

The Best Muscle Rollers

Relieving muscle tightness and soreness is easily accomplished with a muscle roller stick, and we bought and tested 9...
best locking carabiner

The Best Locking Carabiner

The locking carabiner is a fundamental part of any rock climber's rack, but there are so many out there that shopping...
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