Audrey Hammond still doesn’t know what she wants to be when she grows up. She taught environmental education to inner city fifth graders after completing her degree in Forestry from The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. She then worked as a National Park Ranger in the Guadalupe Mountains, The Everglades, Olympic National Park, and the Wilderness of Yosemite. Currently an RN, Audrey combines her nursing skills with her passion for fitness while she helps patients get into shape after heart attacks and open heart surgery. She has been a Level One Certified CrossFit Instructor since 2011. Always on the move, Audrey balances her time between work, play, and chasing her adorable toddler.
Author Profile
Audrey Hammond
Review Editor
Showing 1-12 of 12 by Audrey Hammond
New Balance Minimus 40 for Women Review
“Squishy” was a common word used by our testers to describe the Minimus 40 shoes. In some cases, squishy is great...Inov-8 FastLift 325 Review
The versatility of this lifting shoe lives up to the claims from Inov-8, it really can do so much more than just...NOBULL Lifter for Women Review
These shoes are gorgeous, and they are equally as impressive in their function as lifters as they are in their beauty...Asics Conviction X for Women Review
In our group of test shoes for this review, the Conviction X is the silent, dependable type. It doesn’t get the hype...Best Buy