Reviews You Can Rely On

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Becca Glades - Page 3

Senior Review Editor

Showing 31-42 of 42 by Becca Glades
rtic softpak 20

RTIC SoftPak 20 Review

The SoftPak is no longer one of just a few solid soft coolers out there. And while many competitors have upped the...
rtic backpack 30

RTIC Backpack 30 Review

This backpack cooler performs well all across the board. It's durable, comfortable to wear, and keeps its contents...
RovR KeepR Review
Top Pick

RovR KeepR Review

Without a lid or top closure, this caddy-style cooler is easy to get into and great for parties. Its unique design...
yeti tundra 45

Yeti Tundra 45 Review

This smaller, mid-sized cooler proves itself a worthy competitor when it comes to insulation, combining sturdy...
How to Choose a Soft Cooler

How to Choose a Soft Cooler

Soft coolers are a great choice for when portability matters just as much as the contents you're porting. With...