Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Ben Skach
Ben Skach

Ben Skach

Review Editor

Ben grew up in Portland, Oregon, where he learned to love adventure. After spending time in Massachusetts for college, a semester abroad in Nepal, and a summer leading outdoor trips in Colorado, he now resides in Southern California. Now, with a full time office job, he feels the need to spend all his free time outdoors. Whether he spends it climbing, surfing, hiking, backpacking, or just playing Spikeball on the beach, you can bet that he's being active somewhere. Fun facts about Ben: he spent 8 years playing the tuba and grew up with pet goats!

Showing 1-6 of 6 by Ben Skach
best budget backpacks

Best Budget Backpacking Pack

We know not everyone wants to pay for a top-tier backpack, so we've ranked some of the best budget backpacks on the...
Gregory Stout 65 Review

Gregory Stout 65 Review

This is a simple pack in the best way possible. There's nothing amazing about it, but we like most of the features and...
Montem Ultra Strong Review

Montem Ultra Strong Review

The Ultra Strong poles are a versatile pole with unbeatable value. They had the second lowest price of poles in this...