Reviews You Can Rely On

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Chris McNamara - Page 6

Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Showing 76-90 of 478 by Chris McNamara
Black Diamond Positron Review

Black Diamond Positron Review

[tip]Product Recall: February 2016 Positron straight gate 210153 / 210261 and bent gate 210154 were recalled by Black...
Bell Dawn Patrol Review

Bell Dawn Patrol Review

Available for around $10, the Bell Dawn Patrol is one of the cheapest bike lights we've tested. Unfortunately, the...
Petzl Calidris Review

Petzl Calidris Review

The Petzl Calidris is the most streamlined of all the big wall harnesses we tested. It is just about tied with the...
black diamond stubby

Black Diamond Stubby Review

Stands out for its compact and bomber size. Whereas many haul packs look more like backpacks, this really looks like a...
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