Reviews You Can Rely On

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Genaveve Bradshaw - Page 2

Senior Review Analyst

Showing 16-30 of 36 by Genaveve Bradshaw
rtic 20

RTIC 20 Review

This cooler is a decent option for day trips, though its lackluster insulation performance won't keep its contents...
orca 40

Orca 40 Review

This mid-sized unit offers impressive functionality and convenience, from its external dry storage to one of the best...
yeti roadie 24

Yeti Roadie 24 Review

This super sturdy model now has updated latches and handles that make it easier to use and more comfortable to carry...
yeti tundra 65

Yeti Tundra 65 Review

The Tundra 65 lives up to its namesake abominable monster, and to Yeti's reputation as the company that invented the...
rtic 65

RTIC 65 Review

Nearly as high-performing as our overall favorite, this runner-up offers a lot at a lower cost than most the...
rtic softpak 20

RTIC SoftPak 20 Review

The SoftPak is no longer one of just a few solid soft coolers out there. And while many competitors have upped the...
rtic backpack 30

RTIC Backpack 30 Review

This backpack cooler performs well all across the board. It's durable, comfortable to wear, and keeps its contents...
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