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Author Profile

Credit: Hale Milano

Hale Milano

Review Editor

Hale is a fitness junkie and adventure addict; fueling his passion for Type II fun with an ever-growing list of hobbies and pastimes. His jack-of-all trades approach to activities has led him to try a variety of activities over the years - as of now this list includes SCUBA diving, sailing, backpacking, biking, CrossFit, triathlons, and his favorite, rock climbing. With all these passions it's safe to say that Hale is a clinically diagnosed gear junkie. He loves finding new pieces of gear to add to his collection, almost as much as he loves finding new hobbies.

Hale cemented fitness as a part of his identity during his time as a US Army Ranger, and following his time in the service traded boots for trail runners and took to the mountains and oceans for adventure. Now, he pursues fitness for fun, whether that's training for an Olympic Triathlon, competing in the CrossFit open, or preparing for an extended backpacking & climbing trip somewhere remote. Hale's journey to GearLab began as a reader, avidly scouring review after review to help outfit one such adventure. Falling in love with the meticulous analysis and evaluations prompted him to join the team.

When he's not working in front of a computer, you can find Hale climbing with his partner and wife Kate, or lounging with their two Weimaraner's, Skye & Storm.

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