Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Hannah Marshall
Hannah Marshall

Hannah Marshall

Review Editor

Hannah builds her career around her passions, and she has many: avalanche educator, non-profit program manager, artist, and guide. Much of Hannah’s work relies on her ability to think critically in dynamic, often hazardous, environments. It is in this space of creative inquiry where she thrives, and she cultivates this mentality in her gear reviews.

She lives in Bozeman, Montana, and takes full advantage of her ability to ski and ice climb six months of the year. In the remaining months, she enjoys rock and alpine climbing, mountain biking, and running.

Hannah also holds a B.A. in geology. She brings her scientific literacy and attention to detail to all that she does; from carefully scrutinizing weather information for favorable skiing or climbing conditions to winnowing down her outdoor equipment to only the best pieces of gear. Hannah is passionate about sharing her experiences outdoors with others through art, writing, and education- recommending gear that will stand up to the elements is essential to this pursuit.

Showing 1-1 of 1 by Hannah Marshall
best muscle roller sticks

The Best Muscle Rollers

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