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Credit: Ian Stowe

Ian Stowe

Review Editor

Ian Stowe is a student of abstract expressionism and follows a lineage of artists whose work exists primarily on the momentary canvases of waves and trails. Ian employs a large quiver of brushes for mark making, and works to learn the critical techniques of canonized and contemporary masters painting lines on water mountains and dirt swells. Ian started riding mountain bikes at age ten on the illegal trails of Mt. Tamalpais, did his first downhill race at age 12, and spent his teenage years racing cross country and cyclocross. After realizing that riding bikes for a living was not in the cards in any discipline, he earned a BA in studio art from the University of California Santa Cruz while working for Santa Cruz Bicycles as a wheel builder, and later at Cervélo as a graphic designer. These days Ian works to skirt the confines of a nine to five job, and spends more time on a yoga mat than in the saddle with the intention of creating habits of mobility and mindfulness so he can continue his life's work for many years to come.

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