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Author Profile

Jacob Clark

Review Editor

Jacob Clark found a passion for the outdoors through climbing while in school, followed by backpacking, and most recently a love of trail running. After graduating college with a degree in Chemistry, Jacob wasn't ready to settle into a lab job and pursued the outdoors. Going through UCSB's outdoor leadership program initially introduced him to guiding, and soon after graduating, he took a part-time job at REI guiding outdoors and teaching in-store classes. In addition, Jacob set climbing routes for the local rock gym in Santa Barbara, CA, while working as a blacksmith full-time. Now he lives out east near the Blue Ridge Mountains in Western Virginia spending free time exploring new trails, new routes, and the colorful trees of the east with his husky/malamute pup and trail buddy Eli.

Showing 1-15 of 23 by Jacob Clark
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10 Best Water Shoes

Sick of wrinkled toes or stubs on sharp rocks while playing in the water? We've tested the best water shoes that will...
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10 Best Sandals

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The Best Sandals for Men

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The Best Water Shoes for Men

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Chaco Z/1 Classic Review

This classic is undeniably one of the favorite sandals of dirtbags everywhere. It's good-looking, comfortable, and...
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Deuter Speed Lite 20 Review

The Deuter Speed Lite 20 earns high marks for presenting the perfect balance between low weight and simplicity, with...
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