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Credit: Jason Wanlass

Jason Wanlass

Review Editor

A native of Utah, Jason heads to the mountains and enjoys Mother Nature's playground as often as he possibly can. He's an avid backpacker and hiker and wishes he had the time and money to place his feet on every hiking path in the world. To date, he’s hiked and backpacked hundreds of miles of routes in Iceland, Nepal, and the Patagonia Regions of Argentina and Chile. He’s also spent countless hours wandering most of the great mountain ranges and wildernesses of the Western United States, including the Tetons, Yellowstone, Sierra Nevadas, Wind Rivers, Uintas, Sawthooths, Cascades, and the Grand Canyon. Jason plans to hike and backpack until his body simply can no longer.

Showing 1-15 of 96 by Jason Wanlass
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