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Jason Wanlass - Page 3

Review Editor

Showing 31-45 of 96 by Jason Wanlass
best camping sleeping bags

Best Camping Sleeping Bags

A good sleeping bag can be essential to an enjoyable camping trip. We covered a lot of campgrounds to find the best...
10 top winter jackets

10 Best Winter Jackets

Finding a great winter jacket can be overwhelming. We've tested over 100 different jackets over the past 12 years to...
best backpacking chairs

The Best Backpacking Chairs

Have you been stumped by the quest for a comfortable backcountry seat for your rump? We gathered data on countless of...
rei co-op flexlite air

REI Co-op Flexlite Air Review

This chair may not have the highest score overall, but for ounce-counting adventurers, it has one big thing going for...
best canopy tents

The Best Canopy Tents

If you're on the prowl for a canopy tent to suit your needs, you've come to the right place. Our experienced team has...
10 top sleeping bags

10 Best Sleeping Bags

Our never-ending hunt continues for the perfect sleeping bag in this update. Within this review, we highlight our...
best camping tents

The Best Camping Tents

From deserts to coastlines, we've tested camping tents for a decade and know a thing or two about sleeping well in the...
best lanterns

The Best Lanterns

We traveled and camped in parks from coast to coast, always with a well-lit campsite as we tested the top models on...
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