Reviews You Can Rely On

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Jediah Porter - Page 14

Review Editor

Showing 196-210 of 375 by Jediah Porter
Suunto Ambit 3 Peak Review

Suunto Ambit 3 Peak Review

This model is Suunto's top of the line device. It has everything a dedicated athlete and adventurer might want. For...
sog powerassist

SOG PowerAssist Review

After years of testing this product, we've only grown fonder. We wish it were more compact for daily use, but for...
leatherman free p4

Leatherman Free P4 Review

Leatherman shakes things up again, offering a basic full-size multi-tool feature set with hinges and bushings that...
Gerber Crucial Review

Gerber Crucial Review

A colorful, basic multi-tool for casual use and every day carry. Others are more robust, but the Crucial is...
Leatherman Crunch Review

Leatherman Crunch Review

In all but one way, the Leatherman Crunch lags well behind the other top performing tools in our test. However, it is...
Leatherman Squirt PS4 Review

Leatherman Squirt PS4 Review

This tiny tool that closely competes with the Best Buy and Top Pick award winners and is a contender that is packed...
SOG Baton Q4 Review

SOG Baton Q4 Review

A great, modular, ratcheting screwdriver that turns into pliers and has a knife blade and some openers in the handle...
SOG Flash II Review

SOG Flash II Review

Where the list of assisted opening knives and low cost intersect sits this knife. For the money, you might not find a...
Victorinox Climber Review

Victorinox Climber Review

Solid and versatile. The extra features it includes can enhance your productivity. Our only wish is that a knife like...
CRKT Squid Review

CRKT Squid Review

In evaluating usability, price, and portability, the CRKT Squid fills a unique niche. It is smaller than most, less...
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