Reviews You Can Rely On

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Jediah Porter - Page 2

Review Editor

Showing 16-30 of 375 by Jediah Porter
dynafit radical pro

Dynafit Radical Pro Review

This is a fully functional, downhill-optimized (but not to the max) ski touring boot for those with high volume feet.
scarpa maestrale rs

Scarpa Maestrale RS Review

Performance, uphill and down, is excellent. When that performance comes with a unique fit, it definitely has a place...
scarpa f1 lt

Scarpa F1 LT Review

Our test team fought over the chance to use this boot on a daily basis for multiple seasons now. This is a great boot...
best satellite communicators

Best Satellite Communicators

You seek some level of communication from the wild. We have examined your options and report on our findings for your...
best rain pants

The Best Rain Pants

Choosing a pair of rain pants is an unwanted bear of a task. We've done the dirty work, which involves sorting through...
How to Choose AT Bindings

How to Choose AT Bindings

Planning to spend time in the backcountry this season? Where do you start your in searching for the best pair of at...
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