Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Jeremy Benson
Jeremy Benson

Jeremy Benson

Review Editor

In his role as Senior Bike Editor at GearLab, Jeremy has put more than 100 top mountain bikes, electric bikes, bike racks, exercise bikes, and bike accessories through extensive review testing. When it is warm outside, Jeremy is an obsessive mountain biker and racer, and when winter arrives, his passion turns to backcountry skiing throughout the mountains of California. Jeremy is the author of two books, Mountain Bike Tahoe and Backcountry Ski and Snowboard Routes: California, both published by Mountaineers Books.

Showing 1-15 of 341 by Jeremy Benson
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The Best Fat Bike

In the market for a fat bike and not sure which is the right model for you? We're here to help! We've spent years...
10 top mountain bikes

10 Best Mountain Bikes

We're always searching for the best new mountain bikes. After researching the latest and greatest models on the...
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The Best Gravel Bikes

On the hunt for a new gravel bike? After researching the top options on the market, we bought 8 models for this...
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The Best Treadmills

What's the right treadmill for you? We dug into the top models on the market before buying and testing each...
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Best Bikes

We've spent over a decade researching and testing the best bikes out there. From electric bikes, to mountain bikes and...
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10 Best Bike Shoes

We've spent years researching, buying, and testing the industry's top bike shoes from road cycling to mountain biking...
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Best Bike Gear

Whether you've just started riding and want to start with a fresh setup, or you have been on a bike for years and want...
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The Best Cycling Sunglasses

After buying over 50 of the best options on the market, we reviewed 20 of the best options on the market. We tested...
10 top ski jackets

10 Best Ski Jackets

A quality jacket can keep you warmer on the slopes, and can keep you skiing for longer. We've done the hard work of...
10 top sunglasses

10 Best Sunglasses

Whether you need a pair of sunglasses for a garden party, a trail run, or ripping down a mountain on your new mountain...
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