Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Credit: Jo Trieger

Joanna Trieger

Review Editor

Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Joanna Trieger discovered the diamond in the rough that is Reno, Nevada in 2014 and has been loving life at the base of the Sierras ever since. She is a safe streets advocate and avid bike commuter who hasn't driven to work in more than five years, so she knows a thing or two about gear that works for cyclists. When she's not pedaling around town with her fearless niece in tow, Joanna can be found falling off mountain bikes, falling on skis, or falling while running on her favorite east-side trails.

Showing 1-15 of 28 by Joanna Trieger
best bike trailers

The Best Bike Trailers

Looking for more fun outdoor adventures with the kids? We tested 9 of the most popular bike trailers on the market to...
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The Best Sun Hats

We evaluated over 50 models and purchased 20, which our team of experts put through extensive side-by-side testing. We...
burley bee
Best Buy

Burley Bee Review

We love the Burley Bee! This comfortable, light, user-friendly trailer consistently outperforms its low price point.
Olukai Upena Review

Olukai Upena Review

This model can't stand up to the traction, adjustability, or stability of the more rugged options in our review, but...
KEEN Rose Review

KEEN Rose Review

This close-toed model is simple and relatively comfortable, but it can't stand up to the off-road performance of the...
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