Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Katie Young

Review Editor

Katie, an avid slaydie, llama wrangle, and passionate writer has been recreating in the outdoorssince birth. (*slaydie: verb, noun: lady who slays). Her love for the wild outdoors began when she went on her first backpacking trip at the young age of four. From there, she tagged also ng on many of her parent's adventures, until she realized her own love and excitement for the wilderness. This planted the seed for a lifelong pursuit of adventure, the outdoors, and sharing
this passion with others.

She went to college in Santa Barbara, where she spent her free time volunteering for the outdoors club. This is where she discovered her passion for stand-up paddle boarding. The club needed a SUP student leader and she took this role head-on, jumping right in and learning all she could along the way.

After college, Katie landed in the world of guiding. She started as a backpacking guide in Yosemite and then in 2020 had a new opportunity as a llama guide in Montana/ Wyoming. She is now going into her 7th season of guiding. For now, she calls the Tahoe/Truckee area home and spends any time she can on various rivers, lakes, and mountains in the basin and surrounding areas. Ask Katie to go on any adventure that involves type two fun, pickled veggies, and a group of other rad slaydies, and she’s there. When she’s not guiding or being a llama wrangler, you can find her attempting headstands on her SUP or ripping powder turns on her splitboard.

Showing 1-15 of 18 by Katie Young
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This SUP is a decent, budget-friendly paddleboard for beginners, but more experienced users may find better...
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