Originally from a minuscule town in the upper Midwest, Kendra has long used her writing as more than just a hobby, but a journey from reality to explore the bounds of possibility. Beginning as a child, she spent her formative years co-writing fantastical stories with friends. Now, with close to 30 years of writing experience and a geographical shift to her current home in the Ozark Mountains, she continues to craft fictional tales as often as she can. Kendra has also spent almost a decade caring for elderly patients craving the comforts of home and community, giving her unique insight into the products that make a difference in real people's lives. As a mother of three who stayed home for years to provide care for her children, Kendra has become a baker, a chef, a party planner, a therapist, a fixer, and a medic to her family. Her experiences in the home and outside of it give her expertise in a wide range of tools to get the job done and perspective on the needs of regular people to keep a functioning home, while her love for writing in a relatable style helps her to construct useful syntheses of GearLab test results to anyone seeking our advice.
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