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Author Profile

Liam Andrews-Bancroft

Review Editor

Liam has based the majority of his life decisions around how to maximize his time spent out in nature. From childhood weekends spent playing in the woods to moving to Colorado to experience the country's best rock climbing, his heart lies with the great outdoors. Liam grew up in beautiful Western Massachusetts where he found a love for the spaces around him thanks to an enthusiastic and fun loving family. He moved to Colorado for college, and after 4 busy years, graduated from the University of Denver in 2020 with a degree in Computer Science. Over the course of his studies he learned the importance of analytical and critical thinking, and gained experience and knowledge in the technical field. Throughout college Liam worked as a climbing coach for several youth teams, helping kids find their own love for activity and the outdoors. All the while, he spent as much time as possible in the mountains, using any savings to climb everywhere from California to South Africa, where he put all sorts of gear to use, from crash pads to technical pants. Liam now resides in Denver, where he spends his free time bouldering, hiking, producing music, and honing his coding skills.

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