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Credit: Lyra Pierotti

Lyra Pierotti

Review Editor

Lyra is a Certified Rock Guide pursuing further certification with the American Mountain Guides Association, as well as an AIARE avalanche instructor. She has been using and abusing climbing and skiing packs for well over a decade, taking them on expeditions to Alaska, Antarctica, and South America, scraping them up steep rock faces in Yosemite and the High Sierra, hauling them up steep snowy slopes in Washington’s North Cascades, and nitpicking their weight and features for long ice climbs in Canada. Lyra currently calls Washington home but spends half the year traveling to various mountain ranges. The other half of the year, you’ll find her eating lots of farm fresh food and coaching climbers at a small gym on her favorite Puget Sound island.

Showing 1-15 of 163 by Lyra Pierotti
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