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Maggie Nichols

Senior Review Editor

Maggie is an avid outdoor adventurer and a dedicated nature enthusiast. As a young girl growing up just a few hours south of Minnesota's Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, she completed an American Canoe Association mastery paddling course. As a teenager, she started teaching canoeing skills and leading hiking expeditions in Girl Scouts. Attending Iowa State University, Maggie earned her BS in Biology and a Masters in Physical Anthropology. For eight years, Maggie worked in numerous research laboratories, assisting in scientific studies of everything from local frog communication strategies and white-tailed jackrabbit life cycles to bison seed dispersal in tall-grass prairies and the mechanism behind temperature sex dependence in turtles. Completing her Master's thesis on chimpanzee behavior took her to the savannahs of Senegal and the forests of Zambia, all the while guiding backcountry paddling and backpacking trips for ISU's Outdoor Recreation Program. After leaving her home state, Maggie designed and led hands-on study abroad courses, guiding and teaching high school and college students while backpacking in Andean cloud forests, trekking in Lesotho's high mountain ranges, swimming in Galapagean waters, and exploring Caribbean jungles. She spent several years managing youth backpacking and educational programs in the Lake Tahoe area, planning, outfitting, and guiding teens on multi-day expeditions through the Sierra Nevadas. Maggie has slept under the stars in all hemispheres, living out of a backpack, a teardrop trailer, and a camper van. She's an avid hobbyist runner, racking up miles on the pavement and on trails, and medaling in local races — just for fun. With over 15 years of professional guiding experience under her belt and close to 30 years spent paddling, cycling, running, hiking, skiing, and road-tripping around the world, Maggie has been bringing her passion for finding the right gear for any situation to GearLab since 2016.

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