Reviews You Can Rely On

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Maggie Nichols - Page 17

Senior Review Editor

Showing 241-255 of 293 by Maggie Nichols
cooluli mini fridge

Cooluli Mini Fridge Review

A tiny unit that can cool or heat and sits perfectly on a counter or desk. It doesn't hold much and can't be...
Smith Haywire Review

Smith Haywire Review

These shades have a look that seems to be "in" right now, with lightweight frames and rubber grips that keep them in...
Maui Jim Kahi Review

Maui Jim Kahi Review

Our Editor's Choice award winner for everyday sunglasses, the Kahis is a high-quality pair of shades that provide...
Maui Jim World Cup Review

Maui Jim World Cup Review

These shades are right at the top of the competition for the quality of their lenses. Though a bit heavy, these glass...
AngLink Portable Review

AngLink Portable Review

Easy, comfortable, and long-lasting, we love the AngLink Portable and had no qualms giving it our Best Buy award...
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