Reviews You Can Rely On

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Another beautiful day in the office on top of Mammoth Mountain.
Another beautiful day in the office on top of Mammoth Mountain.
Credit: Meagan Jones

Meagan Jones

Review Editor

Twenty years ago Meagan Jones answered the call of the mountains and never looked back. Moving deep into the heart of the Canadian Rockies, she began a career that would show her the World on skis and solidify her expertise as a ski coach internationally. Meagan holds a prestigious Level III certification through the Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance (CSIA) and a certification through the Canadian Ski Coaches Federation (CSCF). When she moved to the United States, she achieved her Level III and examiners status under the highly respected umbrella of the Professional Ski Instructors of America (PSIA). Meagan has shared her passion for skiing around the world from the slopes of Banff and Whistler Canada, Perisher Austrailia, Treblecone New Zealand to the steeps of Mammoth Lakes California. Meagan has adopted all that the mountains offer from winter slopes to the summer trails, recently completing the grueling Leadville 100.

Showing 1-5 of 5 by Meagan Jones
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