Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Monica Nigon
Monica Nigon

Monica Nigon

Review Editor

After graduating with a degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin, Monica headed west for the mountains. She worked in environmental education, interned at a climbing magazine, and taught skiing in Colorado, where she now calls home. Here, she was able to delve into skiing, mountain biking, and climbing in earnest. She discovered a surprise passion in whitewater rafting and now lives full-time in the small river town of Buena Vista, rafting regularly on the Arkansas River. Monica does her best to get on the Ark year-round — the winters of her midwest origins having prepared her well. When not on the river, you can find her backcountry skiing with her best friend, raging on her mountain bike, or taking whippers at the local crag.

Showing 1-15 of 17 by Monica Nigon
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10 Best Water Shoes

Sick of wrinkled toes or stubs on sharp rocks while playing in the water? We've tested the best water shoes that will...
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Astral Brewess 2.0 Review

Durable and versatile, a great option for unpredictable adventures that may take you in and out of the water
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