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Author Profile

Credit: Nick Miley

Nick Miley

Review Editor

Nick Miley has spent his life outdoors. He is drawn to the grand and the nuanced beauty of the planet but he also likes to get rad. So, it is only natural that he's spent much of his time skiing, biking, and climbing. When he received his first bike for his 5th birthday, he refused to ride it with the training wheels, and he still has the scar to prove it. Since then, he has been using two wheels to find some freedom — and clock some air time while he's at it.

Not just a mountain jock, Nick's interests also go beyond the radical and into the why of things. His curiosity led him to get a B.A. from UC Berkeley and an M.S. from the University of Nevada, Reno. He likes researching new ideas and concepts, thinking up experiments to uncover hidden realities, and writing about what he finds. GearLab was a good place for him to land.

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