Reviews You Can Rely On

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Penney Garrett - Page 5

Senior Review Editor

Showing 61-75 of 101 by Penney Garrett
Coleman Fold N Go Review

Coleman Fold N Go Review

While this foldable stove can get the job done, there are better options to be had. It struggles with essential basics...
Swift Cup Instant Review

Swift Cup Instant Review

If you're someone who loves to seek out competition-winning beans, trendy single origins, or the latest and greatest...
Bialetti Moka Express Review

Bialetti Moka Express Review

The Bialetti Moka Express 9-Cup is an iconic Italian stovetop espresso maker that has withstood the test of time...
Farberware Yosemite Review

Farberware Yosemite Review

While the Farberware Yosemite 8-Cup Coffee Percolator is an affordable option for brewing up large amounts of coffee...
OluKai Lala Review

OluKai Lala Review

This fashionable sandal impressed us on all fronts, performing like a pro through a ton of rigorous testing and...
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