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Rebecca Eckland
Rebecca Eckland
Credit: Rebecca Eckland

Rebecca Eckland

Review Editor

Rebecca A. Eckland was once a runner and always a nutcase, and these days is a cyclist both on and off the road. As a USAC Cat 3 Road racer who competes under the Clean Power Powered by Tesla flag, the former Ironman triathlete and marathoner, Eckland is up for adventure every single day! Fun fact: she was the first woman from Nevada to win the 600-mile California Triple Crown Stage Race (road cycling), and holds several course records in the Silver State 508. She's also kind of a nerd, who keeps a real job writing grants for an organization that helps at-risk youth, has published a book and a handful of literary essays thanks to an MFA degree awarded by Saint Mary's College of CA in Creative Nonfiction writing, and two other MAs from the University of Nevada, Reno. When not riding like--or against--the wind, this girl is raising chickens and bees, super urban farmer-style.

Showing 1-15 of 25 by Rebecca Eckland
best bike gear

Best Bike Gear

Whether you've just started riding and want to start with a fresh setup, or you have been on a bike for years and want...
best bike locks

The Best Bike Locks

If you ride a bicycle for recreation, fitness, sanity, or transportation (or all), you need a bike lock. Given the...
Litelok One Wearable Review

Litelok One Wearable Review

We love wearable locks, and there's a lot to admire about the LiteLok One; it's not too heavy, it offers you options...
TiGr mini Review

TiGr mini Review

This lock has sleek looks, a low profile, and weighs just a pound. It didn't survive our security tests well, though...
onguard bulldog dt

OnGuard Bulldog DT Review

A low price point for a U-lock is nice, but we think spending a few extra dollars on a better lock is worthwhile...
hiplok z lok

Hiplok Z Lok Review

It disappears in your pocket, bag, or saddlebag, but we do not recommend it as a primary security device. It's useful...
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