Reviews You Can Rely On

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RJ Spurrier - Page 3

Senior Review Editor

Showing 31-43 of 43 by RJ Spurrier
petzl actik

Petzl Actik Review

An excellent quality light, that is super-easy to use but it doesn't stack up well against similarly priced competitors
black diamond astro

Black Diamond Astro Review

An attractive price and excellent close-proximity lighting make the Astro a compelling light so long as you don't need...
Black Diamond Gizmo Review

Black Diamond Gizmo Review

If weight and price are key considerations for you, then the Black Diamond Gizmo may be just the ticket. It's not...
Fenix HP11 Review

Fenix HP11 Review

Boasting an impressive 277 lumens, the Fenix HP11 is one of the brightest headlamps available. In our tests, it had...
Princeton Tec Byte Review

Princeton Tec Byte Review

Of all the truly compact lights we tested (sub 70g: Black Diamond Gizmo, Black Diamond Ion, the ultralight Top Pick...
Princeton Tec Apex Review

Princeton Tec Apex Review

The Apex is a quality light that offers a very bright and high-quality spot beam, and a better than average...
Princeton Tec Quad Review

Princeton Tec Quad Review

The Quad is easy to use and has a solid close proximity score but otherwise did not stand out in our tests. It is...
Petzl Ultra Review

Petzl Ultra Review

The now discontinued Ultra is like having car headlight strapped on your head in terms of the amount of light it puts...
Surefire Saint Minimus Review

Surefire Saint Minimus Review

The Saint Minimus blew away the competition in some ratings and fell way short in others. It scored perfect 10s for...
Petzl MYO RXP Review

Petzl MYO RXP Review

This delivers great close proximity lighting and has more beam power levels than any light we tested. The extra "R" in...