Reviews You Can Rely On

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No matter where we found ourselves in these sandals, our feet remained...
No matter where we found ourselves in these sandals, our feet remained comfortable and supported.
Credit: Rob Woodworth

Rob Woodworth

Review Editor

Rob Woodworth is a level 300 certified Development Coach and Alpine Official who learned to ski before he could run. He cut his teeth as a FIS and USCSA athlete before pursuing a career as a professional stoke monger—sharing his love for the sport with a new generation. When not on skis, you’ll find him bike touring, trail-blazing, or daydreaming about life in the shire with his hound dog, Wrennie Mae.

Showing 1-15 of 31 by Rob Woodworth
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The Best Powder Skis

Finding the perfect powder ski is a seemingly bottomless task. To find the best, we researched over 60 contenders and...
Teva Omnium 2 Review

Teva Omnium 2 Review

While it may not be for everyone, these sandals have won the praise of multi-sport enthusiasts who seek protective...
Teva Hurricane XLT 2 Review

Teva Hurricane XLT 2 Review

With the classic three-strap design from Teva, this model offers a few performance upgrades from the original sandal...
K2 Pinnacle 118 Review

K2 Pinnacle 118 Review

The K2 Pinnacle 118 is the standing replacement for the Annex 118, which used to be offered as Seth Morrison's pro...
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Salomon QST 118 Review

The QST 118 is fun and floaty. It feels light and skis that way too, swinging easily in the powder and offering a soft...
teva terra fi 5

Teva Terra Fi 5 Review

This is a beefed-up version of the original Terra Fi that includes more resilient materials and added neoprene...
chaco z/cloud

Chaco Z/Cloud Review

This very comfortable sandal is also very capable while on the trail. Nearly identical to its older brother, the Z/1...
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