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Author Profile

Ryan Baker

Review Editor

Ryan lives and plays in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California with his wife. Happily rooted in Mammoth Lakes, they spend as little time inside as possible. When he's not fighting fires, patrolling the ski slopes, or testing gear and writing articles for GearLab, Ryan likes to ski, climb, bike, and hike. He is notorious for breaking things, plays the banjo, and enjoys painting mountainscapes when he’s not actively playing in them. He tries to keep his priorities on the people and activities he loves in the mountains he adores.

Showing 1-15 of 20 by Ryan Baker
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The Best Road Bike Helmets

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The Best Bike Saddles

After spending countless hours grinding away the miles in the top road bike saddles on the market, we identified the...
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The Best Ski Boots

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The Best Winter Sleeping Bags

With a plethora of sleeping bags to choose from, it can be hard to know how best to turn your hard-earned dollars into...
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Marmot Never Summer 0 Review

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