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Author Profile

Credit: Sara Ann Aranda

Sara Aranda

Review Editor

Sara is an avid trail runner and climber keen on adventuring for creative and physical input. With roots from both southern California and New Mexico, her freelancing and love for the outdoors keep her on the move with much of her time spent between Colorado's front range and Yosemite National Park. She is a creative writer by trade who loves to volunteer at Film and Climbing Festivals and dreams of becoming a semi-professional athlete. To help pay the bills, she occasionally works as hired lifestyle talent for outdoor brands.

Sara obtained her B.A. in Creative Writing, with an emphasis in Poetry, from the University of California, Riverside. Her writing has been published in Alpinist Magazine, The Climbing Zine, The American Poetry Review, Boulder Weekly, among others. She is also an ambassador for the No Man's Land Film Festival, a festival dedicated to un-defining and re-defining women in the outdoors. Prior to freelancing, Sara worked concession jobs in Yosemite National Park for five seasons — all for the joy of running and climbing.

Showing 1-15 of 59 by Sara Aranda
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