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Sara James - Page 2

Review Editor

Showing 16-30 of 72 by Sara James
best kayak paddles

The Best Kayak Paddle

Want to get your kayak out on the water? Not sure which paddle to buy? Let us share our extensive hands-on research...
astral brewess 2.0

Astral Brewess 2.0 Review

Durable and versatile, a great option for unpredictable adventures that may take you in and out of the water
nrs vapor
Best Buy

NRS Vapor Review

This uncomplicated vest is comfortable, easy to use, and costs less than the competition. It doesn't have pockets and...
nrs zephyr
Top Pick

NRS Zephyr Review

This is a comfortable, simple to use, reliable PFD belt. It's made of soft, durable materials and its easy to forget...
best life jackets

The Best Life Jackets

Be safe and comfortable by wearing the right life jacket on the water. Since 2019, we've tested dozens of the best...
astral layla
Top Pick

Astral Layla Review

Across a variety of shapes and sizes, this is unanimously our favorite women's life jacket. Adaptable, comfortable...
nrs ninja

NRS Ninja Review

This PFD has contoured and concentrated padding, making it a comfortable low-profile vest with tons of mobility and...
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