Reviews You Can Rely On

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Sara James - Page 3

Review Editor

Showing 31-45 of 72 by Sara James
old town vapor 10

Old Town Vapor 10 Review

A simple design that delivers practicality and comfort, this kayak is a great option for those looking to get into...
sic maui tao fit at

SIC Maui TAO Fit AT Review

This board has a durable build, ensuring your presence on the water for numerous seasons ahead. Crafted with...
best dry bags

The Best Dry Bags

Unless you are willing to risk it for the biscuit, transporting water-phobic gear safely across a body of water...
best cargo boxes

The Best Cargo Boxes

Have more cargo than your car can carry? We bought the 11 best cargo boxes available today and tested them...
inno wedge 660

INNO Wedge 660 Review

A great choice for those with non-bulky items to transport who want to retain a low profile on their car roofline
isle versa 2.0

Isle Versa 2.0 Review

Performing well across the board, this is a great entry-level board. It paddles quite well in a variety of different...
boardworks kraken

Boardworks Kraken Review

Want the best? This is one of the highest scoring SUPs of the group and is a great option for many folks - if you can...
best sporks

The Best Spork

Sporks are the perfect utilitarian utensils for eating away from the comfort of home. From workday lunch breaks to...
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