Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Sarah Sherman
Sarah Sherman

Sarah Sherman

Review Editor

For the past five years, Sarah has been lucky enough to combine her passion for the outdoors, snow sports, and storytelling into a career that continues to excite her. Growing up in the foothills of Los Angeles, Sarah quickly moved to the mountains after graduating from the University of Southern California with a bachelor's degree in Communications in 2014. Working first as a snowboard instructor and then as the Snow Reporter/Public Relations Assistant at Mammoth Mountain, Sarah fell in love with powder days and sharing that stoke with others via her writing and photography. She took that passion with her to Colorado in 2016, working for FREESKIER Magazine where she managed their social media channels and got a crash course in all things gear-related. From testing and writing about skis, outerwear, layering, and more, she discovered she loved talking about the more technical side of skiing, as well. Fast forward to today, and Sarah is living in South Lake Tahoe, CA, where she works in marketing and skis at Sierra-at-Tahoe. When she isn’t at the resort, she can be found trying to tire out her dog, Indy, and exploring the backcountry and all that Tahoe has to offer.

Showing 1-15 of 16 by Sarah Sherman
best ski pants for women

The Best Ski Pants for Women

With a plethora of women's ski and snowboard pants on the market, it can be overwhelming to decide which pair is right...
burton avalon bib

Burton Avalon Bib Review

These stylish and cute bibs can take you straight from the slopes to town thanks to their overalls look and street vibe.
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