Reviews You Can Rely On

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Sean Cronin - Page 2

Review Editor

Showing 16-30 of 38 by Sean Cronin
Ibis Mojo HD3 X01 2016 Review

Ibis Mojo HD3 X01 2016 Review

The Mojo HD3 is lively and capable on all aspects of singletrack. While it's not the fastest or most confident enduro...
Pivot Mach 6 X01 2016 Review

Pivot Mach 6 X01 2016 Review

Pivot's 2016 Mach 6 performs below expectations due to a tricky fit and overly narrow rims. As a result, this was the...
Ibis Ripley LS 2017 Review

Ibis Ripley LS 2017 Review

Ibis blends high-speed performance and saucy handling skills with the 2017 Ripley LS X01 Eagle. The bike earned top...
Blackspire Robusto Review

Blackspire Robusto Review

The Blackspire Robustos locked onto the soles of our shoes like a police dog's teeth to an evading suspect. At 505...
Shimano Saint MX80 Review

Shimano Saint MX80 Review

Shimano has made great pedals for years to the degree that some people use "SPD" (Shimano Pedal Design) when...
RockBros Platform Review

RockBros Platform Review

We weren't familiar with these pedals before this review but they seem to sell like hot cakes online. Since it's our...
Funn Python Review

Funn Python Review

If looks could kill, these pedals would murder the competition with their extensive CNC machining, beautiful...
VP Components VP-Vice Review

VP Components VP-Vice Review

The VP-Vice is a super versatile pedal with bomber construction suited to a wide variety of riding styles. Throw them...
Bonmixc 9/16" 4 Pcs Review

Bonmixc 9/16" 4 Pcs Review

We doubt these pedals are destined for glory. After our first few test rides, we were pleasantly surprised by the...
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