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Tara Reddinger-Adams
Tara Reddinger-Adams

Tara Reddinger-Adams

Review Editor

Tara Reddinger-Adams loves to travel and heart is in the mountains, despite living in flyover country. An avid mountain biker, she loves to ride and enjoys helping others discover the joys which mountain biking can bring. With the encouragement of a couple of coaches she pursued her Bicycle Instructor Certification Program (BICP) Level I and Professional Mountain Bike Instructor (PMBI) Level I certifications in 2016 and began her own coaching and guiding business, North Star Mountain Bike Guides. During this time she and also started coaching for VIDA MTB Series in Colorado. Since then, she has coached hundreds of clients, driven across the country more times than she can count, guided in Moab and Sedona, broken her collarbone in Whistler, and received her PMBI Level II "Air" and BICP Level II certifications. Tara strongly believes in life-long learning and in continual growth, "With mountain biking there is always something new to learn, whether it be cleaning a feature you have never cleaned, pinning a new trail, or exploring someplace new by bike. It never gets old. I enjoy being outside, and find it to be very peaceful, restorative and a great way to relieve stress.” When she's not coaching, guiding or riding, you'll find her fixing bikes and scheming her next trip and trying to cure her insatiable wanderlust.

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