Reviews You Can Rely On

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Tara Reddinger-Adams - Page 2

Review Editor

Showing 16-30 of 51 by Tara Reddinger-Adams
dmr vault

DMR Vault Review

These pedals get the job done but do not stand out in any of our test metrics. The grip is unremarkable, but its 105mm...
pnw loam pedal

PNW Loam Pedal Review

This pedal's convex platform is paired with pins that create a concave shape and has decent grip, but not outstanding...
chromag dagga

Chromag Dagga Review

If you're in the market for a burly gravity-oriented pedal you should put these at the top of your list. This...
race face atlas

Race Face Atlas Review

If you're looking for a fairly thin, grippy pedal with a supportive platform and a stable feeling on descents, this...
teton sports oasis

Teton Sports Oasis Review

This pack's good storage and attractive pricepoint are overshadowed by its hard to use hydration system.
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