Reviews You Can Rely On

Author Profile

Travis Reddinger
Travis Reddinger

Travis Reddinger

Review Editor

Travis Reddinger is a Certified Nurse Practitioner who graduated from St. Catherine University with a Doctor of Nursing Practice. Travis is a full-time Critical Care Nurse Practitioner at the Medical Intensive Care Unit who occasionally covers the Surgical Intensive Care Unit and the Emergency Department. He teaches point-of-care ultrasound at several universities, serves on the nursing advisory board at Saint Catherine University, and is a Minnesota Combat Sports Advisory board member.

Travis works in a level-one trauma center and has devoted his career to emergency medicine and critical care. Travis is strongly interested in point-of-care ultrasound, vascular access, and procedures. His professional work experience began as an automobile technician, then as an EMT, before receiving a degree in Paramedicine and numerous nursing degrees. Travis worked as a fireman and rescue technician on county, state, and hazmat response teams for many years. While working in those departments, he specialized in rope rescue, structure collapse, and mass casualty response.

He has used various climbing and rescue equipment and items during training and missions for support and extrication. Travis is rarely inactive during the day when he is not at work. He spent years as a professional MMA fighter and still regularly practices Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai.

He loves construction and renovation projects, welding and fabrication, and automobile and motorbike repair. Travis also enjoys mountain biking, fishing, hunting, dirt riding, rock climbing, archery, and snowboarding, anything that keeps him moving because he struggles to sit still. Travis is fortunate to have two sons who share his interests and are eager to learn and engage in the many activities.

Travis is active in product testing and reviews, which is not surprising given his wealth of knowledge and technological talents. He has years of expertise working with various tools in a professional or home garage, operating and testing equipment in the medical field and fire department, and performing all maintenance and repairs on his equipment, vehicles, and home. He loves working with different products, observing how they perform and how different brands differ. Travis recognizes that everyone has unique issues, wants, and a budget to consider when purchasing things.

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