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Credit: LukeHollomon

Luke Hollomon

Review Editor

Luke Hollomon is a physical therapist and writer who has been racing bikes for almost 20 years. He spends thousands of hours per year riding his assortment of two-wheeled machines on all surfaces. He lives a 90% car-free life in Richmond, Virginia, and so commutes, exercises, adventures, and otherwise sits astraddle a bike 365 days per year, often with his dog, Kiwi, rolling along in a trailer behind him. When not aboard a bicycle, he’s working as a PT or writing about ways for other therapists to improve their craft. He loves what he does, but he’s mostly biding his time until he can move to northern Italy and run a tiny vineyard and cycling hotel in the foothills of the Alps.

Showing 1-15 of 17 by Luke Hollomon
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The Best Bike Locks

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10 Best Bike Pedals

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10 Best Bike Helmets

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The Best Road Bike Helmets

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The Best Road Bike Pedals

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Hiplok D1000 Bike Lock Review

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Smith Persist Mips Review

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