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Author Profile

Mary Witlacil
Mary Witlacil

Mary Witlacil

Review Editor

Upon earning her BA in Political Science, Mary traded in books and city-living for a trad-rack and the mountains – backpacking and riding bikes all over Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and even France. Whether climbing cracks in the desert, hiking into the backcountry for alpine rock and ice climbing missions, or commuting by bicycle – this gal is on the go. Mary has over fifteen years of experience in the outdoor industry, from wrenching on bicycles and selling climbing gear, to working as an outdoor educator. After using and abusing enough gear for a lifetime, she decided to juggle her outdoor pursuits with bigger academic goals: recently finishing her MA in Politics and International Affairs from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ, before beginning a PhD in Environmental Politics and Policy from Colorado State University in Fort Collins. When she isn’t nose deep in books, you’ll find her fist-deep in granite cracks, or frolicking in the mountains.

Showing 1-15 of 106 by Mary Witlacil
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