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Credit: Ryan Huetter

Ryan Huetter

Review Editor

Ryan Huetter grew up near the coastal tidewaters of the Puget Sound in Washington State but has since traded moss and rain for the sunshine and splitter cracks of the Sierra Nevada. Since graduating from Western Washington University in 2006 with a Bachelor's degree in Outdoor Adventure Management, he has called the Sierra home. Working as a full-time mountain guide while pursuing IFMGA certification, he is able to enjoy the unbelievable year-round skiing and climbing the Sierra is known for. Ryan's passion for climbing has taken him around the world, from Yosemite Valley, where he has climbed over 20 different big wall routes, to seven seasons in Patagonia, where he has made many major ascents, including Fitz Roy and first ascents of remote alpine walls. But year after year the Sierra Nevada remains Ryan's base and he loves introducing people to the Range of Light. Ryan's favorite Sierra climb is the Third Pillar of Dana, coupled with fish tacos from the Mobil Station, of course.

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