The Best Winter Sleeping Bags
Our experts have tested 27 of the best winter sleeping bags side-by-side over the past 8 years. Purchasing 13 of the best and warmest models available today, we spent months of winter camping while sacrificing the comforts of a warm house. Tried and tested by ski patrollers, road trippers, and climbing dirtbags in the mountains through the cold months in California's High Sierra, we've got a pretty good handle on which bags are warm and which don't stack up. We meticulously evaluate key performance metrics to score each product. Our comprehensive review offers recommendations based on proven performance for those seeking to save a buck and for those seeking the best bags of feathers on the market.
If you're looking for the best camping gear to complete your winter expedition kit, we've got you covered. Our experts have tested everything from camping essentials like 4-season tents, backpacking backpacks, camping pillows, and sleeping pads, to essential personal clothing like warm winter boots and top-rated winter jackets.
Editor's Note: We updated this review on October 31, 2023, to share info on the updated Nemo Sonic bag and to share more recommendations alongside our award winners.