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How We Tested Gaiters

By Ben Applebaum-Bauch ⋅ Review Editor

There is a simple beauty in the basic design and function of a gaiter. As a result, we tried not to overcomplicate things during our testing. We did some basecamp testing, weighed everything, saturated them with water, and dumped dirt over them. Ultimately though, we just pounded out some miles on trails, glaciers and scree fields to see how they held up. We typically wore multiple pairs on a single trip, sometimes with different styles on each foot to compare models side-by-side. We also tested each with a variety of footwear to assess their overall versatility. From there we did our best to wade through water crossings and stomp through the muckiest parts of the trail.

gaiters - starting the descent of the cleaver mt. rainier. crocodile gaiters...
Starting the descent of the cleaver Mt. Rainier. Crocodile gaiters in their element.
Credit: Thomas Greene

Comfort and Breathability

Comfort and breathability are the major considerations when determining whether or not to purchase a particular pair of gaiters. All our other testing metrics only matter if you are actually going to wear them. We were very careful to note how well each model stayed put or slid down over the course of a day. We also took a look at how adaptable each model is for use on bare skin, over socks, and over pants. Again, using leg-by-leg comparison, we also assessed how long we could go into each activity before we noticed our legs were hot and sweaty or chafing.

gaiters - these trail-running models are low cut, lightweight, and thin.
These trail-running models are low cut, lightweight, and thin.
Credit: Ben Applebaum-Bauch

Debris Protection

Debris protection is, of course, one of the primary functions of any gaiter. To test this, we wore each comparable pair over similar distances and terrain. Sometimes wearing a different pair on each ankle, we would see what got into our shoes at the end of the day, and note whether we had to stop mid-hike to remove anything from our shoes. In a more controlled environment, we also took a bucket of debris and dumped it over the gaiters on our feet to assess the seal at the top.

gaiters - dumping out the sand after some dune jogging.
Dumping out the sand after some dune jogging.
Credit: Piper Van Cleve


Gaiters are meant to protect one of the most valuable assets you have on a hiking trip: your feet. Our thinking is that they better last as long as you do. Short of a tensile testing machine, the most effective way to assess durability is to cover miles. The most vulnerable point on any pair of gaiters is often the instep strap, so we paid special attention to how easily they can be replaced if they fail. We also looked at other attachment points: buttons, snaps, hooks, elastic cord, and toggles.

gaiters - it's only a matter of time before this instep cord wears through.
It's only a matter of time before this instep cord wears through.
Credit: Ben Applebaum-Bauch

Ease of Attachment

Though not essential, it is always nice when gear is easy to use. To test this metric, we counted the number of steps and how long it took to attach and remove each model, as well as whether they could be put on or taken off with or without footwear on. We considered the method of adjusting the instep strap, how easily hooks could be attached to laces, and whether a model could be adjusted around the leg for a proper fit.

gaiters - tall gaiters predictably take a little long to put on then trail...
Tall gaiters predictably take a little long to put on then trail runners, but they all have some similar attachment features like lace hooks, instep straps, and elastic leg cinch cords.
Credit: Cam McKenzie Ring

Water Resistance

Depending on the model's intended use, water resistance can be a critical component of a gaiter (or not). Some gaiters are meant to be waterproof, others water-resistant, and others aren't meant to be either. Our water resistance testing was straightforward. In the field, we wore each pair in rainy and wet weather. While wearing each pair in a more controlled environment, we also sprayed them with a spray bottle and assessed water penetration to footwear and socks. To test water retention, we weighed each pair when dry, dunked them into water, and weighed them again.

gaiters - getting ready for our high-tech spray bottle testing.
Getting ready for our high-tech spray bottle testing.
Credit: Ben Applebaum-Bauch


Typically the most straightforward to test of any metric, we put each model on a scale to confirm whether or not a manufacturer's claimed weight was accurate.

gaiters - breaking trail and testing gaiters.
Breaking trail and testing gaiters.
Credit: Thomas Greene